Sunday, January 17, 2010

the weather

You would think after a little over two weeks of being in Denmark that I would have realized how essential a good jacket, a warm hat, gloves and a scarf are. You would also be wrong. Every few days I get this crazy notion in my head that it isn't that cold outside or I forget to bring it with me and decide that it is not really necessary. Like most of my problems in life this is all directly attributable to myself being an idiot.

Tomorrow I am going to buy anything and everything necessary to stay warm. Even though I have been telling myself that I won't need all of this when I come back to the States and that it can't stay cold forever. Those points may be true but I am past the point of sacrificing present comfort for potential wasteful purchases. If I never have to listen to another person tell me how dumb I am for not wearing enough clothing to stay warm (which they do, and they are always correct) then I will consider my money well-spent.

Alternatively I may just invest in a flask and just try to stay warm via the wonders of alcohol. This approach has served me well too. Alcohol unfortunately has this terrible side effect where I stop being self-conscious and instead make an ass of myself. Highlights include asking a Scottish person if they hate Catholics or Protestants, forgetting people's names and subjecting the public to my inability to dance.

Clothing may be more expensive in the pocket but it is cheaper than my dignity.


  1. want that scarf now? give me your address.

  2. Becoming a tool while studying abroad, step one: refer to your home country as "the States"

  3. katherine: i'll e-mail you my address

    milt: i'll use whatever nomenclature i damn well please

  4. I knew you would come to see sense.
